第14回日本平和学会九州・沖縄地区研究集会    緊急集会声明




まず、わたしたちは、多くの市民を巻き添えにした自爆テロという行為に対して強い怒りをこめて抗議します。 そして、今回の無差別テロの犠牲となられた60数カ国6千人以上にもおよぶ市民と残された方々に心から哀悼の意を表するとともに、一人でも多くの行方不明者が一刻も早く救出されることを願っています。 また、こうしたテロ行為根絶のために、国際正義と人道の原則に立って、早急に真相究明がはかられ、一日も早い犯行グループの摘発・逮捕、ならびに彼らに対する法にもとづく厳正な裁判と処罰、被害者に対する正当な補償などが行われることを求めます。














第14回 日本平和学会九州・沖縄地区研究集会参加者一同 (於 鹿児島)



Breaking the Cycle of Terrorism and Retaliation


On September 11 unprecedented acts of terrorism were conducted using American passenger planes.  The shock of this event was still being felt on September 22 and 23, when we gathered in Kagoshima for a research forum under the dual banners of “Regional calls for Peace—Guaranteeing Security” and “The Japanese Constitution and Education—Thinking About Human Rights”.


At the outset, we would like to strongly express our outrage that innocent civilians were victimized in these suicide bombing attacks.  Furthermore, we offer our sincerest prayers to the over 6,000 victims from more than 60 countries, as well as the survivors, pleading that any missing persons are rescued at the earliest possible moment.  To stamp out this kind of terrorist act, we also call for the reinforcing of international justice and the principles of humanity by initiating thorough investigations into the matter to expose and then arrest the culprits as soon as possible.  They should be subjected to an impartial trial and punished accordingly, and the victims of the attacks should be properly compensated.


At the same time, however, we strongly protest plans by the Bush administration to retaliate and use military force to administer punishment for these indiscriminate acts of terrorism.  Far from providing any solution to the problem, this policy will clearly only result in greater numbers of victims as we enter a cycle of terrorist attacks and retaliatory measures.  While claiming to be constructing a siege on terrorists, it is well within the realm of possibility that this incident is being used as an excuse for powerful nations to initiate a new world order maintained and controlled by the exercising of military might on a scale never seen before.


Changes on an international scale are already underway with information being regulated in a move towards a surveillance society.  The strengthening of Echelon (the American-led international secret detection service), the weakening of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) for nuclear weapons, and efforts to employ missile defense systems are becoming evident.  We deeply fear that further developments will propel the crisis to a state where nuclear weapons would be employed.


We are unrelenting in our call that international cooperation be used to find a solution based on law and reason.  For this to happen it is imperative that initiatives for non-military responses be taken immediately by the United Nations, representing the international community, as well as allied governments and citizens groups.  We also hope for international efforts to provide aid and relief for the victims of this recent indiscriminate act of terror, as well as for their relatives and all the wounded.


As for the Japanese government, they are using this incident to push through emergency legislation that would revise the Self Defense Forces Law to allow the Self Defense Forces to actually be deployed as support troops and to patrol areas around Japan.  Kyushu and Okinawa will be placed on the frontline of the fighting as it is from the American bases on these islands that many of the warships and weapons are being dispatched from.  We insist that it is not military contributions to aid the American government’s retaliatory attacks that is needed from Japan, but rather efforts consistent with the principles of the Japanese constitution such as investigative work into the incident, and the taking of measures to ensure against any further terrorist attacks in Japan.


We propose that contrary to the direction being embarked on now, another option is available.  This would be the creation of a new world order based on the values of peace and democracy that make up the Constitutions of Japan and the United Nations Chapter.  Violence based on hunger, poverty and discrimination, which are the roots from which all violence and hatred grow, must be conquered.  The only answer is to realize a world of true peace in which people overcome differences of ethnicity, religion and language so that we can all coexist.


During these two days of study and debate, we of the regions of Kyushu and Okinawa thought about ensuring the safety of both peace and humanity from the point of view of ordinary people.  We once again confirmed our belief in the importance of moving forward towards this goal.


Henceforth we, along with all those sharing our feelings, reject all forms of terrorism and war.  Little by little we hope to change our world in which “peace” is in reality maintained with nuclear weapons, military bases and military alliances.  We wish to continue earnest cooperation with all those who are making efforts in their own fields.




                                    The 14th Kyusyu-Okinawa Research Assembly

                                        of the Peace Studies Association of Japan